Visiting the emergency room is not a pleasant experience for the vast majority of people. Between the long wait and the condition they are in, emergency room visits can be highly uncomfortable. Approximately 124 million people visit the ER each year, out of which 42 million of those people visit with injury-related problems. Today we’ll list the top 10 most common ER visits and what these symptoms could indicate.
10. Chest Pains
Chest pains are one of the most common reasons why people visit the ER. Cardiac arrest situations are common in the ER and although chest pain visits are declining in recent years, still nearly half a million people die each year due to heart complications.
9. Abdominal Pains
Around 2000 people visit the ER every single day due to abdominal pains. Most likely, bacterial and viral infections are the cause of abdominal pains. The culprit of abdominal pains can be a factor to several different diagnoses.
- Food Poisoining/Allergies
- Kidney Stones
- Stomach Virus
- Appendicitis
- Ulcers
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
8. Toothaches
Most people will not relate tooth-related issues with the ER, but an increasing number of people are pursuing emergency treatments when dentist offices are closed. The majority of patients report abscesses, and gum tissues problems.
7. Broken Bones and Sprains
Broken bones and sprains are a common occurrence that can happen to any individual regardless of their age or condition. They can be caused due to accidents or twisting an area of the body while playing sports or other physical activities. Not all sprains require ER treatment although broken bones need to be looked at immediately, particularly if they pose a risk to other organs. Some key ways to determine if the injury needs medical attention are:
- Discoloration
- Swelling
- Visible bone
6. Upper Respiratory Infections
Infections and viruses are another common cause of people visiting the ER. The flu and common cold are fairly widespread diseases and unlike other illnesses, may require emergency treatment in severe cases.
5. Contusions and Cuts
Cuts and contusions are one of the most common reasons why people visit the ER. They can occur through any activity and often require urgent emergency attention. The majority of cuts and contusions are due to accidents with a glass or a knife and in case of severe bleeding, a trip to the ER becomes necessary.
4. Back Pain
Another increasing reason for visiting the ER is due to back related issues. Back pains or muscle strains in the back can be due to an accident or physical injuries while playing sports or by lifting heavy things. It was regarded as the number one reason for visiting the ER in the past, but the number has declined in recent years.
3. Skin Infections
Skin infections can cause abnormal reactions in the body and in the majority of cases they require urgent emergency care. A skin infection can also bring on other symptoms and can spread rapidly over the body in severe cases. Symptoms may include:
- Nerve damage
- Muscle weakness
- Lesions on the body
- Rashes and blisters
2. Foreign Objects in the Body
Emergency room centers all over the world report that one of the most common ER visits is due to foreign objects inside the body. There aren’t any stats regarding the number of doctors that have to deal with foreign objects but a recent analysis has shown that there are roughly 1,500 deaths per year due to foreign object problems.
1. Headaches
The number one and the most common ER visit is due to headaches. They are the most common ailments amongst people and it stands to reason that headaches are the most common reason for a person to visit the ER.