Any good article whose title starts with “what is” must lead with a definition quoted from some obscure source on the internet. Here is ours:
“An emergency service is any health care service provided to evaluate and/or treat any medical condition such that a prudent layperson possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, believes that immediate unscheduled medical care is required.”—Practice-Management/Definition-of-an-Emergency-Service/
To take this and put it into terms we all understand:
If you feel you need to see a doctor right this minute, or before your local primary care physician can fit you in, then you require emergency services.
[Tweet “If you feel you need to see a doctor right this minute, or before your local primary care physician can fit you in, then you require emergency services.”]
These services are needed to evaluate, diagnose, stabilize, and/or treat any medical condition found to exist.
Emergency services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are available for both life threatening issues such as heart attack, or serious head injuries as well as to assist those who may not be facing a life or death situation but are dealing with severe pain, fever, or other illnesses and ailments.
The following conditions require that you seek immediate emergency care:
- Severe Burns
- Seizures
- Loss of Consciousness
- Possible Bone Fractures
- Severe Chest Pain
- Difficulty Breathing
- Children Under 3 Months Old with Fever
- Possible Poisoning
- Heavy Bleeding
- Issues Related to Pregnancy
- Back, Head, or Neck Injuries
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Extreme Abdominal Pain
- Signs of Stroke

But what about those other “minor” accidents, symptoms, or illnesses? Things happen and waiting for an appointment at the convenience of an 8 to 5 doctor’s office is not recommended. Some examples of such situations and conditions are:
- Sprained Joints
- Asthma Issues
- Moderate Back Pains
- Falls
- Cuts Requiring Possible Stitches
- Flu-like Symptoms
- Sudden Rashes
- Sports Related Injuries
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Dehydration
- Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
- Unusual Eye Irritation
- X-rays or Laboratory Needs
Of course if there is ever any doubt about any medical condition seek immediate assistance or dial 9-1-1.
[Tweet “Of course if there is ever any doubt about any medical condition seek immediate assistance or dial 9-1-1.”]