Along with changing weather, each new season brings with it new trends in the form of healthcare. When it comes to fitness, nutrition, and well-being, it can be especially difficult to discern which trending health topics are worth embracing and which are better left untouched.
It is always good to know the direction of trends because they are helpful in focusing on what matters. Some trending areas in health in 2020 are clean eating, and wearable fitness devices. Interestingly, a recent report found that 49% of US citizens currently own a wearable fitness device. Additionally, parents were more likely to own wearables. (Global Wellness Summit 2020)
2020 is the Year of Mental and Spiritual Health
Why do you think self-care has been in the spotlight so much recently? It’s all about relaxation and stress-free living. (Forbes, 2020) Here’s what we found in the cross-hairs of 2020 health trends:
1. Focus Shifts from Sleep to True Circadian Health
Any solution claiming to reset circadian rhythms must have the timing of light at its center. This will become a central pillar of wellness: from circadian lighting to circadian diets to apps that use timed light doses to crush jet lag.
2. Aging Rebranded: Positively Cool
They’re active, vibrant, more engaged than ever (and 60+!). It’s a powerful demographic with major marketing potential— and industries across all platforms are noticing.
3. J Wellness
Brilliantly marrying revered traditions with innovative technologies, Japan asserts a comprehensive culture of wellness—and encourages the world to follow suit. (World Health, 2020)
4. Mental Wellness and Technology: Rethinking the Relationship
Mental tech health, via virtual care, wearables, chatbots, and other futuristic innovations, is moving mainstream to support the global humans now struggling with mental health.
5. Energy Medicine Gets Serious
Exploring a new force in health and healing, both doctors and wellness practitioners are uncovering the potential of electromagnetic, light, and sound interventions to heal your “energy body.”
6. Organized Religion Jumps into Wellness
More religious organizations and ministry leaders are incorporating a wide range of health and fitness modalities—from Ramadan Bootcamp to Catholic Pilates classes.
7. The Wellness Sabbatical
The need to strike a balance between the pursuit of wellness and the need to work is the central concept of the wellness sabbatical.
8. The Fertility Boom
As both women and men take ownership of their reproductive health, reproductive assistance, once deemed a luxury, is becoming a crucial part of healthcare.
9. Wellness Music
From the music industry pivoting to “wellness” music to new technologies that capture our biometric data to create personalized, healing soundscapes—music is undergoing a sudden wellness transformation.
10. In Wellness We Trust: The Science Behind the Industry
People increasingly want to separate the wellness wheat from the chaff, and more resources and platforms will help them do it.
We’re in a wider cultural crisis now with over fact and fiction, science and belief, and shrill opinion versus collective, with consensual notions of reality and truth when it comes to health and wellness. Watchdog groups are actively keeping healthcare organizations toeing the line. (Biotic Research, 2020) You can do your part. Research trending health remedies, hacks and dietary changes that seem extreme. It is up to each of us to be our own health advocate.
Our Medical Facility
We never want to stop evolving, especially when healthcare can be optimized with research and technology. We are a people first ER and will continue to create optimal ways to marry technology and wellness. It’s our job to bring you the best in healthcare and our pleasure serving our patients and their families.
Work Cited
“The Future of Wellness 2020.” Global Wellness Summit, 16 Mar. 2020, www.globalwellnesssummit.com/2020-global-wellness-trends/
“The Biggest Wellness Trends of 2020.” WorldHealth, www.worldhealth.net/news/biggest-wellness-trends-2020/
Shoenthal, Amy. “The Women Shaping The Future Of Mental Wellness.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 21 Aug. 2020, www.forbes.com/sites/amyschoenberger/2020/08/21/the-women-shaping-the-future-of-mental-wellness/ Team, The Biotics Education. “Top 5 Global Wellness Trends in 2020.” Biotics Research Blog, blog.bioticsresearch.com/top-5-global-wellness-trends-in-2020